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Southeast Regional Meetings

Rachel Lindeen
Greater Burlington Partnership, Event Coordinator
Kay Sackville Breuer
Greater Burlington Partnership, Vice President
Dani Kane
Washington Chamber of Commerce, Assistant Director
Travis Kraus
Mount Pleasant Area Chamber Alliance, Executive Vice President
Stacey Lindsay
Williamsburg Area Chamber of Commerce, Director
Nancy Morrissey
Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director
Shar Pardubsky
Iowa Association of Chambers of Commerce , Executive Director
Laura Francisco
Fort Madison Area Chamber of Commerce, Chamber Coordinator
Kristi Ray
Mount Pleasant Area Chamber Alliance, Executive Vice President
Nerleb Likisap, owner
I, Nerleb Likisap oginally from the Micronesian Islands namely Chuuk Islands. I came here in siouxcity IA, to pioneer a Micronesian Church. I am ve...
Shelley Oltmans
Keokuk Area Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director
Shelley Oltmans is a Community Development Specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in the department of Community and Economic...
Michael Matthes
Centerville Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director
Brittney Tiller
Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Event Coordinator
Mendy McAdams
Fairfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Chief Executive Officer
Angela Rheingans
DeWitt Chamber & Development Company, Executive Director
Kaylin Brokaw
Kalona Area Chamber of Commerce
Cindy Henry
Greater Burlington Partnership, Customer Relations Specialist
Brenda Sieren
Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress
Shea Greiner
Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress, Director of Investor Relations
Della Schmidt
Greater Burlington Partnership, President & CEO
Allison Jacobs
Mount Pleasant Area Chamber Alliance, Director of Membership and Communications
Rachel Manfredi
Mount Pleasant Area Chamber Alliance, Administrative Assistant
Richard Phelan
Grow Clinton, Executive Director
Michelle Redlinger
Washington Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director
Lane Till
Iowa Association of Chambers of Commerce , Executive Director
Dennis Houston
Zig Zag Institute, Founder & CEO
Steven Brody
Greater Burlington Partnership, Executive Director - Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director - Chamber of Commerce A Division of The Greater Burlington Partnership
Hannah Howard
Greater Muscatine Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Director of Business Services & Advocacy
Trena Myers
Keokuk Area Chamber of Commerce, Assistant Director